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Availability Guarantee

Service Level Agreement
SLA- Service Level Agreement

Standards for Service Quality
The standards for service quality for the hosting services are defined below.

Infra-structure Availability
Indicates the percentage of time the infra-structure must be available in relation to the total time in a month.
The availability period of the infra-structure is the difference between the total time in a month and the unavailable time, for unforeseen reasons, of the infrastructure.

Online data infrastructure availability
For the infrastructure of online data availability, we use the SLA- Service Level Agreement to guarantee a 99.9% monthly availability.

Calculation of the infrastructure availability index
The calculation of the availability index is based on the following formula:
AI = {[( RA + JU ) / DP ] x 100}
where: AI= Availability Index
RA = Real Monthly Availability
JU = Justified Unavailability (monthly)
FA = Foreseen Availability = 24x (number of days in a month)
Note: The justified unavailability includes:
Unforeseen Maintenance
Scheduled Maintenance;
Natural and uncontrollable disasters (wars, hurricanes, floods, etc)

Compensation for Infra-structure unavailability
The amount to be reimbursed for the server and/or infra-structure unavailability will be established according to the table of discounts below, applied to the contracted monthly price and will be given only one time, the month following the confirmation of the occurrece.

Differences (%) Discounts (%)
0 < DC = < 2.0 2.0
2.0 < DC = <4.0 6.0
4.0 < DC = < 6.0 10.0
6.0 < DC = < 10.0 16
DC > 10.0 Twice the DC
(limited to 100% of monthly fee)


DC = Calculated Discount
SLA = Promised percentage
AI = Availability Index
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